piątek, 26 kwietnia 2013

Jimmy Carter To George W. Bush: 'I'm Filled With Admiration For You' For Your ...

President Jimmy Carter is proud of his country. He just wants it to do better. “I would like to see America become a nation that is champion of peace, champion of human rights," the 39th president said Monday at Lafayette College in Easton. "I'm notFormer U.S. President Jimmy Carter will deliver the inaugural Robert '69 and Margaret Pastor Lecture in International Affairs at 4 p.m. Monday, April 22 at Lafayette College. Carter's address, “Reflections on Human Rights andJimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States, gave a lecture, “Reflections on Human Rights and Democracy,” at Lafayette College April 22. It was the inaugural Robert '69 and Margaret Pastor Lecture in International“Mr. President, I'm filled with admiration for you and deep gratitude for you about the great contributions you've made to the most needy people on earth.” — Surprisingly generous comments about George W. Bush from Jimmy Carter, referring especially“Mr. President, I'm filled with admiration for you and deep gratitude for you about the great contributions you've made to the most needy people on earth.” — Surprisingly generous comments about George W. Bush from Jimmy Carter, referring especially
Related External LinksJimmy Carter To George W. Bush: 'I'm Filled With Admiration For ...Kate McKinnon and Jimmy Carter - Current Hot TopicsShakesville: Photos of the

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