piątek, 18 stycznia 2013

Manti Te'o saga shed light new world of human interaction

Lance Armstrong and Manti Te'o two men dominating the sports headlines for all the wrong reasons. One for cheating and one for dating a dead…Dan Tudesco told his story of a leukemia fundraiser to SB Nation on Jan. 10.The Manti Te'o saga has taken a new twist, and this time, the girl is real. Alexandra del Pilar is a student at St. Mary's College, the all-girls school near Notre Dame. Whether Pilar and Te'o were dating is unclear. MORE: Report: Tuiasosopo confessedEditor's note: Mike Downey is a former columnist for the Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune. (CNN) -- Oh, the stories we storytellers tell. Like the story of brave Manti Te'o and his doomed girlfriend. We love a good story. We love spinning a good yarn.Seventy-one years later, the tale of Johnny Chung seems weirdly familiar in light of the newly exposed hoax about Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te'o's supposed girlfriend. According to Deadspin, a 22-year old former high school player and friend of Te'o,
Related External LinksManti Te'o hoax: Sad Irish Fan 'shell-shocked' - SBNation.comMalcolm Gladwell and Chuck Klosterman on Manti Te'o - GrantlandManti Te'o hoax: 'Lennay Kekua' claimed she faked her death due to

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