niedziela, 9 czerwca 2013

Parts of NSA's PRISM program declassified

The National Security Agency's classified PRISM program is an internal government computer system used to manage foreign intelligence collected from Internet and other electronic service providers, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper saidThis is the problem at the core of PRISM, a U.S. surveillance program disclosed yesterday by the Washington Post and the Guardian. The government has decided that the difficulty of distinguishing foreigners from Americans won't be its problem anymore.Documents obtained by the Guardian, which disclosed the Prism system last week, suggested that GCHQ had generated 197 intelligence reports from Prism last year. The system would appear to allow GCHQ to bypass formal legal processes to accessWe now know that the NSA uses something called PRISM to monitor private Web data. Sounds like '1984.' What does it really mean? Read this article by Emily Dreyfuss on CNET News.I want to stress this is a reader email, not TPM reporting. But I'm sharing it because after reading it through and doing some googling of my own there's little doubt that Palantir is doing stuff like what the government…
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