środa, 5 czerwca 2013

Gordon Gee will stay involved at Ohio State

(USA Today Sports Images)Gordon Gee might be busy for weeks making calls just to apologize for what he said at a meeting in December. Gee's bad stand-up routine managed to insult or infuriate just about everyone in college football. One commentMost university presidents couldn't locate the football stadium on their campus before they took the office. Not E. Gordon Gee. He embraced football. Gee saw it as a vehicle for transporting his university's message. But there was more to it than justIn many of those ways, Gordon Gee stands symbolic of so many presidents and chancellors caught in the quagmire of college athletics. A smart, charismatic, energetic man has gotten just enough involved in the side business of sports that it led to hisOhio State University President Gordon Gee is calling it quits. Following the revelation of recorded remarks in which he criticized Notre Dame, Roman Catholics and the Southeastern Conference, Gee announced his retirement Tuesday through the university.In many of those ways, Gordon Gee stands symbolic of so many presidents and chancellors caught in the quagmire of college athletics. A smart, charismatic, energetic man has gotten just enough involved in the side business of sports that it led to his
Related External LinksTim May Thinks Gordon Gee “Could Be A Stand-Up Comic” « CBS ...Ohio State University President, Gordon Gee to retire | WPMT FOX43E. Gordon Gee Retires As Ohio State President, Ends Notable

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