środa, 5 czerwca 2013

Frank R. Lautenberg, 5-Term Senator From New Jersey, Dies at 89

Lautenberg's death means his seat will be filled temporarily by an appointee selected by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R). And in addition to holding an election for a full term in 2014, there also will likely be a special election for the seat laterSen. Frank R. Lautenberg, a five-term New Jersey Democrat and reliably liberal voter who campaigned to toughen anti-smoking laws and environmental regulations, died Monday at a hospital in New York City. He was 89. He had complications from viralSen. Frank R. Lautenberg, a five-term New Jersey Democrat and reliably liberal voter who campaigned to toughen anti-smoking laws and environmental regulations, died Monday at a hospital in New York City. He was 89. He had complications from viralSenator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), the oldest member of the US Senate, has died at the age of 89. Lautenberg, who had already announced that he would not seek re-election was one of the most liberal members of theFrank Lautenberg, who was elected as a Senator from New Jersey five times, has died. That's not a surprise in itself; he was eighty-nine, and had been ill, and had said that he wouldn't run the next time he could, in 2014. But Lautenberg had a way of
Related External LinksChristie announces date for special election to replace Sen. Frank ...Daily Kos: Gov. Chris Christie announces special election to fill ...Was Frank Lautenberg sufficiently pro-Israel? | Opinion | Jewish

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