wtorek, 21 maja 2013

What Does Tumblr Being Owned by Yahoo Mean For You?

This is behind the appeal of sites like Tumblr, where millions have created signature blogs; or Reddit, the news aggregator, which is encouraging users to make and upload video content to share; or video sites like YouTube. Also, Vine, a Twitter appYahoo's purchase of Tumblr has some devotees worried that what they love most about the micro-blogging platform — the GIF porn, obvs — will disappear. TechCrunch calculated that more than 10 percent of the service's most popular 200,000 sub-domainsHow much of Tumblr is porn, and what is Yahoo going to do about it? On the latter, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer spoke to its plans for addressing content that is not “brand safe” earlier this morning on a call about its $1.1 billionYahoo has now officially confirmed that it is buying blogging platform Tumblr for $1.1 billion mostly in cash, after reports on an impending deal first surfac..Sabet has no idea how Yahoo will help Tumblr boost its revenue per user and the number of users. But as Google did with YouTube — it paid $1.66 billion in 2006 for the property that now generates “$4 billion in revenue and hundreds of millions in
Related External LinksThe Former Flickr Employee Guide To Tumblr Yahoo Survival ...The Forgotten Heroes Of $1.1 Billion Tumblr - Business InsiderVote on New Mashup Name for Tumblr and Yahoo! - Kara Swisher

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