sobota, 13 kwietnia 2013

Online Streaming Television Service Aereo Tests Traditional Broadcast Networks

LAS VEGAS The key weapon in TV broadcasters' fight with Internet video upstart Aereo is something inelegantly known as a dongle. The miniature TV antenna picks up free, mobile broadcast signals. It attaches to iPhone and iPad power ports and extendsAfter a few days of testing Aereo, it's clear that it's just a useful service — it's one that actually makes broadcast TV relevant again. Broadcasters shouldn't sue it out of existence.Take Aereo, for example, which is taking live television signals and delivering them over the Web, further blurring the line between traditional and Internet TV. Thanks to a bit of technological wizardry, the company is able to offer things you mightInternet television service Aereo uses free signals from local stations and streams content online for a small fee. But several traditional broadcast companies, including PBS, Fox and CBS, have sued Aereo over copyright violations. Hari SreenivasanThe service retransmits TV broadcasts without paying stations the fees that cable operators pay, so networks are determined to shut it down — even, they say, if they have to go cable-only, Brian Stelter reports in Wednesday's
Related External LinksOnline Streaming Television Service Aereo Tests Traditional ...Online Streaming Television Service Aereo Tests Traditional ...Online Streaming Television Service Aereo Tests Traditional

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