niedziela, 10 marca 2013

International Women's Day

As the world celebrates International Women's Day today, Iranian women are seeing their rights challenged and their advances curtailed. In his most recent report on human rights in Iran, UN Special Rapporteur AhmedVibrant, fuzzy peace symbols were part of the 23rd annual International Women's Day March & Rally in San Antonio Saturday, March 9, 2013. The purpose of the march is to raise awareness about domestic violence, pay-equity, and the struggles ofCelebrities tweet about 2013 International Women's Day on twitter.Today, the world honors advancements for women's rights—and it all started with a courageous group of garment workers.A day after International Women's Day, dozens of Southern California residents took to the streets Saturday to call attention to a variety of issues, including poverty, incarceration, foster care and veterans' needs. About 60 people gathered at the
Related External LinksInternational Women's Day in Oxford | Fe-line WomenArte De La Tierra Hosts International Women's Day EventInternational Women's Day Special: The Professors in the Ikea

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