czwartek, 7 marca 2013

How school closings affect children

Here's a piece on what the school closing really mean to neighborhoods, by Elaine Simon, co-director of the Urban Studies Program at the University of Pennsylvania. She has studied and written about Philadelphia school reform for almost three decadesAbout a dozen protesters opposed to school closings in Philly took their case to City Hall on Tuesday, linking arms and chanting outside Mayor Nutter's second-floor office. "It's important that there's a constant presence of people for him toStories about government influence: Who are the people and groups most instrumental in crafting education policy? What are their priorities and agendas? And how do they work together when they disagree?Recent analyses show that most students from schools recommended for closing in Philadelphia would not end up in better-performing schools. They are likely to wind up in schools much like the ones they were in before, asGet the latest on emergency closings in the Chicago area - CLICK HERE.
Related External LinksOn the Chicago Public Schools closings: Rants you should read ...School closings have consequences. | Fred Klonsky119 of the 129 CPS schools on the closing list are in Black

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