niedziela, 10 marca 2013

Elisabeth Hasselbeck May ALREADY Have A Replacement On The View! Find ...

According to US Weekly, Hasselbeck, a 10-year "View" veteran, was not invited back after producers examined research that said viewers found her "too extreme and right-wing." "People did not watch the show because of Elisabeth," one unnamed "insider"The expected revamp on The View is happening — the rumored ouster of co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck appears to be a done deal. She would join veteran co-host Joy Behar who announced she was leaving the ABC talk show after 16.5 years. Sources haveBut with news today that two of The View's hosts are leaving at the end of this season—Joy Behar officially announced her exit, and Elisabeth Hasselbeck, according to a US Weekly report, will be joining her—the future of one of daytime's longstandingBut with news today that two of The View's hosts are leaving at the end of this season—Joy Behar officially announced her exit, and Elisabeth Hasselbeck, according to a US Weekly report, will be joining her—the future of one of daytime's longstandingABC might be getting rid of the lone conservative on its daytime talk show The View. So claimed Us magazine Friday in a piece titled "Elisabeth Hasselbeck Leaving The View After Nine Years, Viewers Found Her Too Extreme
Related External LinksElisabeth Hasselbeck May ALREADY Have A Replacement On The ...Elisabeth Hasselbeck Leaving The View? Us Weekly Report Ousted ...Hot Topic! Brooke Shields 'Likely' To Join The View After Elisabeth

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