czwartek, 7 marca 2013

Dennis Rodman And Kim Jong-Un: Now A Duo In NBA Jam (Sort Of)

From the WTF files: former NBA bad boy and eternal odd duck Dennis Rodman on national TV relaying messages to President Obama from Kim Jong-un.The rep says Rodman wants to use his newly-minted friendship with Kim Jong-un to set the stage for a peace deal, convincing the dictator to engage in talks with Obama. He plans to return to North Korea in the next 6 months to host another kidsFrom the WTF files: former NBA bad boy and eternal odd duck Dennis Rodman on national TV relaying messages to President Obama from Kim Jong-un.Dennis Rodman -- America's unofficial pseudo-ambassador to North Korea -- is already getting a great head start on his career in politics hitting up a strip club in Florida just days after his triumphant return from the DPRK. The photos wereDennis Rodman visited North Korea recently and hung out with that country's quirky leader, Kim Jong Un. Upon Rodman's return home, he began giving interviews wearing ridiculous outfits and proclaiming that the Korean
Related External LinksDennis Rodman Goes To North Korea & The Media Is Stupid ...Dennis Rodman's Diplomatic Mission to North Korea Resulted in ...How did I miss Dennis Rodman going to North Korea? - Rage3D

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