sobota, 19 stycznia 2013

Manti Te'o interview highlights

NEW YORK -- Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te'o insisted he had no role in the bizarre hoax involving his "dead" girlfriend and told ESPN on Friday night that he was duped by a person who has since apologized to him.The once-tragic tale of Manti Te'o's late girlfriend has been replaced with a twisting-and-turning mystery that has us wondering who is telling the truth. It all started with the heartwarming and seemingly inspirational story of Notre Dame linebackerMANTI TE'O: No, we spoke on the phone. We spoke on the phone and talked on the phone, texted. But it's always as acquaintances, as friends. And then she contacted me that Purdue game and she just said 'Hey, how are you doing? I'm going through someYet even people who really ought to know better say what Notre Dame's Manti Te'o says happened to him has happened to them, and they believe it happens far more often than people care to admit. "If we shake the tree, we would find hundreds of thousandsYet even people who really ought to know better say what Notre Dame's Manti Te'o says happened to him has happened to them, and they believe it happens far more often than people care to admit. "If we shake the tree, we would find hundreds of thousands
Related External LinksManti Te'o hoax: Sad Irish Fan 'shell-shocked' - SBNation.comMalcolm Gladwell and Chuck Klosterman on Manti Te'o - GrantlandManti Te'o hoax: 'Lennay Kekua' claimed she faked her death due to

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