czwartek, 2 sierpnia 2012

Eminem Facebook Likes Soar Above 60 Million

Eminem is still the most popular musician on Facebook. It was a tight race, but ultimately, the Detroit rapper bested both Lady Gaga (53 million) and Rihanna (59 million) to reach 60 million Facebook fans.There seems to be this popularity contest going on among celebrities in the world of social networks, and you might just be surprised to hear who the “winner” is when it comes to an artist who has the most Facebook “likes”. I would suppose if youEminem, Facebook King. The rapper has the crown all to himself after reaching 60 million "Likes," more than any other living person.Eminem is the most popular artist on Facebook and was recently the first to accumulate 60 million fans on the social networking site. He even beat out Lady Gaga (53 million fans) and Rihanna (59 million fans) in this cyber-popularity contest. Find outEminem made history when he became the first celebrity with 60 million Facebook likes. Of course, whenever someone hits a milestone like that, we have to ask: who's next. Here are seven other celebrities that could be hitting the 60 million mark soon.
Related External LinksEminem : Most “Liked” Living Person On Facebook | FreddyO.comEminem Beats Facebook Record With 60 Million 'Likes' « CBS DetroitEminem & Facebook: Rapper Tops Lady Gaga & Rihanna To Reach ...Eminem Facebook Likes Soar Above 60 Million | WebProNewsEminem Facebook Page Hits 60 Million Likes Before Rihanna, Lady

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