czwartek, 30 sierpnia 2012

Ambergris, AKA Whale Vomit, Worth $60000 Discovered By English Boy: Why Is ...

Book a Chill Weekend on Ambergris Caye to see what Belize has to offer in terms of living, investing and retiring. The Grand Baymen Community offers several Chill Weekends throughout the year.As it turned out, that object was actually a piece of ambergris, a substance which is regurgitated by sperm whales. Ambergris is used to prolong the scent of perfume, and therefore is extremely valuable. The vomit, which weighs a little more than onePiece Of Ambergris, AKA Whale Vomit, Worth $60,000. Posted: August 29, 2012. sperm whale. Who knew that ambergris, or hardened sperm whale vomit, was worth

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