sobota, 7 lipca 2012

Black Eagle woman crochets US flags

The American flag is not quite as ubiquitous as the Union Jack, but it does occasionally find its way into our sneak peek homes. If you want to incorporate some patriotism into your decor, you can also find vintage flags at yourAfter the Census Bureau reported that the U.S. bought $3.6 million worth of U.S. flags last year from other nations, including $3.3 million worth from China, Senator Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) wondered why the House ofA Fox & Friends Weekend host's words jarred America awake Sunday. "There is this city council in Texas," host Alisyn Camerota began, "and they're saying no more American flags!"Because man can't live on barbecue alone, for this Fourth of July, may we present to you: the American Flag Cake by Jessie Oleson of Cakespy. Happy Fourth of July, everyone! Link.We're one day late for a 4th of July plug, but these New

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