środa, 12 czerwca 2013

Edward Snowden's girlfriend Lindsay Mills: At the moment I feel alone

Ms Mills had been seeing Mr Snowden, 29, for at least four years and had been living with him in Hawaii when the boyfriend she called her "man of mystery" leapt from obscurity to international fame. After fleeing to Hong Kong, Mr Snowden leaked detailswhistleblower Edward Snowden has written an emotional blog after her lover fled to Hong Kong. Lindsay Mills, who describes herself as a “pole-dancing super hero”, composed a post under the title “adrift” as it emerged her boyfriend has now goneIt's going to be a challenge getting through this one without tripping the sexist pig alarm, but we'll try. Edward Snowden, the former Booz Allen Hamilton contractor who disclosed that the NSA is every bit as creepy as we have.Lindsay Mills, 28, who described her boyfriend as "E" and her "man of mystery", said: "My world has opened and closed all at once. Leaving me lost at sea without a compass." Writing on her blog, she said: "As I type this on my tear-streaked keyboard I2013 06 11 08.07.40 am Lindsay Mills: The Blogging, Instagraming, Pintresting. I guess “E” (her 'man of mystery') never told her what he did at work? Anyway, a lot of people are bashing her for being a bit weird. I'll be more
Related External LinksGirlfriend of self-professed NSA leaker blogged that she felt 'lost at ...Theo Spark: Snowden's Girlfriend Lindsay Mills 'Lost and Alone ...Meet The Pole Dancing, Prose Styling Lindsay Mills, Girlfriend Of

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