czwartek, 25 kwietnia 2013

Sorority Girl Rebecca Martinson Resigns After Delta Gamma Officials Label Her ...

Here's kudo's to tabloid journal mommyish's editor in chief Koa Beck who has bravely decided to step in where most of us other tabloid editors dare not jump in. That is offer America's most damned darling, Rebecca Martinson a paid summer internship.University of Maryland sorority girl Rebecca Martinson has gotten a lot of attention this past week for the rather aggressive email she sent out to her fellow Delta Gamma sisters. Martinson, who repeatedly referred to her sisters as “awkwardFrom now until the end of the internet, Rebecca Martinson will be known as the mean girl who wrote a rabid email to her University of Maryland Delta Gamma sisters berating them for being “weird,” “awkward,” “boring,” “stupid,” retarded,” “ass hatRebecca Martinson. I hate to keep piling on someone who is SO STUPID IT HURTS, but I can't help myself. Maryland is in the Big Ten now, so this material is right in my wheelhouse. Becca, you can thank Jim Delaney for making me care much more aboutRebecca Martinson. I hate to keep piling on someone who is SO STUPID IT HURTS, but I can't help myself. Maryland is in the Big Ten now, so this material is right in my wheelhouse. Becca, you can thank Jim Delaney for making me care much more about
Related External LinksWow! Rebecca Martinson is now offered a paid internship with the ...Sorority Girl Rebecca Martinson Resigns After Delta Gamma ...Sorority email writer Rebecca Martinson quits Delta Gamma but her

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